Jizela Gutierrez

The 2024-25 school year has revealed to students the absence of the National Art Honors Society. The NAHS was the only art club at WCHS, with membership only offered to students associated with classes and teachers in the Arts Department. 

Many teachers in the Arts Department said they were busy this year, which led to no sponsor for the NAHS, meaning they no longer had the proper requirements to continue as a club.

With the new updates to the schedule, students should be leaving or out of the school from 2 p.m. to 2:45 p.m., and most extracurriculars should start after 2:45. This is also another reason some teachers have difficulty sponsoring the school's art club.

This club was important to many students because it's the only after-school activity offered to students who are interested in doing more art-related activities at Warren. Teachers have also mentioned that there was nothing else besides NAHS for art students.

Although there are no after-school groups for students interested in art, Warren offers a variety of art classes dedicated to art students.  

“[Art class] gives me a chance to be free and express myself in ways that other classes won't allow me to,” junior Kymanie Miller said.

Intro to Sculpture and 3D Art allows students to explore hands-on artwork and work with materials like cardboard, paper, foam, plaster and clay to create 3D art. 

Warren also offers jewelry for students who want to work with metals and wire to create intricate wearable art.

Advanced Drawing and Painting is a class for students who want to know more about specifically drawing and painting. 

Intro to 2D and 3D art is the perfect beginner's art class with a mix of painting, drawing and sculptural projects. 

Ceramics is a class where students get to make many different 3D projects using clay.

For students who are very interested in art, Warren also offers AP Advanced Studio Art where students get to create their own projects and plans based on a sustained investigation question. 

“I like the sense of community and the ability to express my skills,” junior Hailey Garard said of her art classes.

Additionally, although these classes aren't necessarily part of the Arts Department, the school also offers other classes like fashion, photography and graphic design classes.